Which composter is best for me?
If you’re new to composting it can be difficult to know which bin (or system, if you like to think in systems rather than bins)…
Best ways to raise compost temperature
If your compost bin has cooled down, there are several steps you can take to help raise the temperature by making conditions in the bin…
Top 10 tips for composting in schools
Composting is a fantastic opportunity for communities to get together to create a greener environment. Nowhere is this more valuable than in schools, where children…
Benefits of the Green Johanna’s jacket
As the temperature outside plummets so the compost in your bin might cool down, but by maintaining good composting techniques you can keep your…
Leaf mould turns autumn leaves into garden gold
If you’re tired of taking bags of autumn leaves to the tip or paying the council to take them away, why not turn them into…
Why should I compost?
‘I don’t garden so why should I compost?’ This was what a friend said to me recently. Where to start to answer this question? Composting…
What are Browns and Greens in composting?
Many beginners ask this question when they start out composting. The terms Browns and Greens can be a useful description for the carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich…
What is hot composting?
Hot composting is a way of composting that uses various techniques to achieve higher temperatures than the traditional method of composting. As a result, you…
Compost School – a guide for absolute beginners
Composting is the best way to deal with organic waste. Our simple guide is aimed at beginners of all ages who want to learn more about…
Tips to send the rat pack packing
Some of our customers claim the Green Johanna is rat-proof as they have never had any problems with these unwelcome visitors. That is the experience…
Johannas give hope to South African townships
There can’t be anywhere on earth putting Green Johannas to better use than the townships of South Africa. The food waste composters are a vital…
Tips to deal with fruit fly nuisance
Fruit flies are a common nuisance in the UK, affecting more than 60% of households. They’re most common in summer and autumn because…